K3 visit the Hong Kong Palace Museum(23-24)
One Person One Flower(23-24)
Fun Fun Show(23-24)
K2 Picnic(23-24)
K3 Picnic(23-24)
Graduation Thanksgiving Dinner(22-23)
Nursery class Graduation Highlights(22-23)
K1-K2 Graduation Highlights(22-23)
Graduation CelebrationK3(22-23)
Graduation CelebrationK1&K2(22-23)
the National History Education Center to the National History Education Program for Youth (22-23)
K2 Visit the 'Brighter Smiles Playland'(22-23)
District School Carnival(22-23)
Arts Exhibition(22-23)
K3 Visit Hong Kong Wetland Park(22-23)
K3 Visit the Ocean Park "Nature Experience"(22-23)
K2 Autumn Picnic (22-23)
K3 Autumn Picnic (22-23)
One Person One Flower(22-23)
《The Kids on the Block》 Puppet Theatre(22-23)
Arts Exhibition(21-22)
Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Primary School performance(21-22)
The Year-End Ceremony(21-22)